Fall is my favorite.
I used to think I was unique for loving Fall because I thought everyone else loved Summer.
But, it seems like I am in the majority now.
October is the start of my Fall.
It's my favorite month of the year.
When Jack was given a due date of September 28th, I really wanted him to be late so that I could have an October baby.
(That desire quickly changed and when my doctor said he would induce me 9 days early I did not hesitate to say "YES, please!")
However, I think November is starting to become my favorite month now instead of October.
October does not feel like Fall in California.
It is hot.
And the leaves have not changed yet.
It's hard to think pumpkin bread and apple cider when it's 80-90 degrees out and feels like summer still.
Maybe I will have a November baby one day...
So, here is our Fall so far in pictures.
First Fall outing was to the Pumpkin Patch with the cousins.
(Sorry, photo overload, but my sister got so many cute ones of Jack)
And Fall always means Grammy's birthday.
On October 27th, she turned 102.
And Halloween, of course.
This was the best I could get of our very excited Jack-Jack.
So grown up compared to our 'Jack'-o-lantern last year.
Last weekend we took a trip up to Apple Hill.
It's Fall land in California.
farms everywhere, filled with everything apple: apple cider, apple
donuts, caramel apples, cinnamon apple fudge, apple milkshakes. You name
Jack had a great time running around and exploring.
He especially liked the hay barrels.
He found a family that needed help pushing their wagon up the hill. Such a little helper (even though it took them twice as long with his help)
Our family picture from Apple Hill this year.
Again, so grown up compared to our visit last year.
The only main event left of Fall is Thanksgiving.
Can't wait!
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Jack's Incredible 1st Birthday
Finally the post of Jack's 1st Birthday party!
I'm not really into character themed parties, but because everyone calls him Jack Jack, I decided to theme Jack's party after Jack Jack from The Incredible's movie.
We had planned for Jack's party to be at a local park.
I was super excited because they have an awesome bbq area with lots of tables, a playground, volleyball pit, and grass area all within a few feet.
I reserved the park at the beginning of August.
I was a little nervous that the weather might be over 100 degrees because September can get really hot here.
This is a picture my sister took of my niece the morning of the party (I was too stressed to take a picture of the weather...)
All week the forecast had said possible light showers Friday night, maybe a few drops of rain on Saturday morning.
Nothing major.
Jack's party wasn't until 4pm on Saturady, so I was not worried at all.
Uh, this was a major storm, people.
Dumping rain for 5 hours straight starting at 10:30 Saturday morning.
My sister and brother-in-law graciously offered their house since ours was too small to host the 40 adults and 15 kids/babies coming (even though they had just had my niece's party there the weekend before!)
Since my sister is a pro-party planner, she went straight into party mood and made a few extra decorations for my party.
I guess that's the plus side of not being at the park - more places to put decor now.
The food table
The dessert table
Cupcake toppers by my sister party planner
Jack's dessert table
(1st birthday hat from here)
My friend works for Pixar, so she was able to score some great Incredibles decor for us, like this poster and the postcards with the drinks (I also used the postcards to make a bunting behind the food table...and later used them as the thank you notes).
Some pictures of the birthday boy.
(Of course the sun came out as soon as his party started).
(Jack's Incredible shirt from here)
Cake time!
A few weeks before Jack's birthday, I told one of my friends (who was getting ready for her daughter's 1st birthday), that I bet Jack would cry eating his birthday cake.
I was right.
This was about as far as he got before he started crying.
The kid will eat toilet paper and dust balls, but give him cake and he cries.
Seriously, don't get it.
All in all, the day turned out great, despite the change of plans. (I guess we can do his party at the park next year - it will probably be a 100 degree heat wave...)
Happy 1st Birthday, Jack Jack!
We love you!