Saturday, June 12, 2010

3 Reasons For Teaching...

June. July. August.

My sister Mel, who is also a middle school math teacher, used to say this to me. Then, last year one of my students gave me this plaque.

I wasn't quite sure how to take this (since it was from a student)...or where I was supposed to hang it. Certainly not in my classroom. Thursday was officially the last day of school, and I decided to bust out this plaque and hang it on my door handle. Since all the students had left at this point, I figured it was somewhat appropriate. Yesterday was a teacher work day, so that officially makes today the first day of summer for me! I am super excited for this summer. It will be the first year in four years that I have not gone abroad. But, I have plenty of other fun trips planned. I guess I technically kicked off summer a week early with my trip to Austin last weekend. Here is what else I have planned for this summer:
  • Half Dome - Climbing this with about 20 friends! Another to check off my list
  • Colorado - I'm flying out there, spending a few days in Denver and Boulder with my friend Megan from college, and then we're road tripping back!
  • LA - Jason insists that I go to a home Dodger's game...
  • San Luis Obispo -Megan's bachelorette party and then again for her wedding! So excited!
  • Tahoe - Annual summer vacation with the family
So, here I am one day into summer - I bet it's going to fly by with all these trips I have planned!

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