Thursday, November 1, 2012

Important Dates

Three years ago today on November 1, 2009, I met Jason. 
And now...we are married and have a six week old baby boy.
Crazy how life can change so much in a matter of three years.

I'm a date person.
I'm kinda obsessed with dates...people's birthdays, cool number combinations, significant events happening on dates related to other significant events...

So, I thought I'd write out the significant dates of our life for the past three years.

11.1.09: Jason and I meet at the young adults group at our church.
11.28.09: Jason and I go on our first official date to Aliotos in SF.
9.19.10: Jason proposes in San Francisco along the Lands End Trail.
4.2.11: We are married!
1.21.12: We find out we are pregnant with an EDD of 9.28.12.
1.27.12: We put an offer on a house (accepted on 1.30.12).
9.19.12: Our son Jack William is born.

So, most of these dates aren't that cool when it comes to number combinations... Lots of odd months with even days or years, so the dates don't look cool according to my taste.

However, I love the story behind some of these dates....

For example, I love that Jason and I met and started dating in November.

I used to call November 'Black November' because I had a few rough Novembers in a row... from starting a not fun a break-up that lasted from the start of November and ended on the 30th. So, I think it's great that Jason redeemed November for me.

When we found out our due date was the end of September, I was actually hoping the baby would be late and come in October.

I really wanted an October baby because October is my favorite month :)

Plus, I loved the dates of 10.1.12 or 10.2.12.

Very fun number combinations, right?

And, I thought that 10.2.12 would be neat because it was the 18 month anniversary of our wedding day.

Well, clearly Jack came early, so no October baby. But I love that he was born on the two year anniversary of our engagement. So very special.

And that is the fun with numbers I like to have!

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