Sunday, February 17, 2013

Heavy Hearted, yet Hopeful

On September 21st, 2009, 6 year Daisy was diagnosed with a stage 3 Wilms tumor. Three and half years later, after 3 relapses, over 30 rounds of chemo, and 6 major surgeries, her little body couldn't fight any longer. Yesterday, on February 16th, Daisy went to be with Jesus.

I feel asleep last night in tears, grieving over a little girl and her family, who I've never even met, but whose story I've been following here.

On May 4th, 2011, 67 year-old Tim (Jason's mentor and the man who did our pre-marital counseling) was diagnosed with brain cancer. This was his second or third battle with some form of cancer in his adult life. After almost two years full of many surgeries and the spread of cancerous tumors to many parts of his body, the chemotherapy and treatments couldn't keep up with the cancer. Tim decided to stop treatments a week ago and said he was ready to 'go home.' Early this morning, at 12:03am, on February 17th, Tim went to be with Jesus.

Two different people, two different battles with cancer, two very different ages...but one Hope. The same Hope. The same ending. 

Eternal Life with Jesus.

What hope we have as believers...this life is not the end.

Jason and I have been heavy hearted as we grieve the loss of such an amazing godly man...probably one of the godliest men I have ever met. Throughout his whole battle with cancer the past two years, he has continued to proclaim the sovereignty of God and the joy of the Lord. He is finally experiencing true and complete joy right now as he sits in the presence of his Lord. This is what he has always wanted.
 With Tim and his wife Patti at our month before his diagnosis

And Daisy...she and her family have the same hope...what joy and hope her father expressed here in a sermon he gave shortly before his young daughter's passing.

So while death is worthy of our grief, I am thankful to know a Savior who can give us such hope even when we are heavy hearted.

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