Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tahoe or Bust

We got back from Tahoe last week, and I'm just now feeling recovered.
Traveling with a baby is no joke.
Very different type of 'vacation.'
Coupled with the fact that Jason busted his ankle on the trip and got the stomach flu while we were there.
Oh, and I got the stomach flu the day we got back.
Yes, recovering.
And...we leave tomorrow for Seattle.
Still trying to gear up for another vacation trip.

But, the trip started out nicely.

Jason was coming up later, so I rode up with my parents.
I got to hangout with Jack in the backseat.
This was the progression of our road trip. 
Beautiful Tahoe mornings.

We hit up Donner Lake the first and second day.

Unlike the other times we've gone to the beach, Jack was not having it this time.
I gave him lots of snacks to try and keep him happy.

He played a little bit.

I did get an hour or so to myself one afternoon while Jack was napping and everyone else was at the lake.

On Saturday, Jason did the Tough Mudder.
He returned to the cabin with this.

Over a week later, it still looks pretty much the same.

Due to my crippled husband, we took it easy on Sunday and went to the pool.
Jack had a much better experience compared to his first two times in the pool

Jason had turned 32 on the day he came up to Tahoe.
We celebrated on Sunday at Sunnyside.
Love the West Shore of Tahoe.

We attempted a short beach outing to King's Beach on Monday.
We finished off the trip with Jason feeling nauseous that whole last day and then getting sick the morning we left.

I was not very compassionate.
Until we returned home and I spent that night on the bathroom floor.

Hears to another trip tomorrow!

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