Monday, June 16, 2014

Olivia {1 Month Old}

I'm sure I will say this with every post...
But, I can't believe Olivia is 1 month old. 

I mostly call baby girl Livvie or Livvie Lou.
Or we call her squeakers because that's the sound she makes when she cries or fusses.
She is growing quickly and starting to get her own look.
Clearly she is not the most photogenic - she is much cuter in person - I think it is the bug eyes shes got going on.
 Baby girl loves to be held...all the time, especially chest to chest.
She is rarely happy in the bouncer, swing, carseat, or laying somewhere unless she is asleep. We are trying to get adjusted to the sling, as I need my hands to entertain and care for brother.

Livvie started off as a great sleeper the first 10 days or so (going 3-4 hour stretches). The last 3 weeks or so, she has dropped to 2 hour, sometimes 3, hour stretches, so I'm surviving off of coffee and diet coke.

Here are some of my favorite pictures from Livvie's first month.

1 Week 
        2 Weeks

  3 Weeks


                                                  4 Weeks

 And all about Livvie at 1 month:
Weight: 8 lb, 8 oz (25th percentile)
Length: 20.5 inches (10th percentile)
Clothing: newborn
Diaper: newborn
Eating: every 2-3 hours
Sleeping: 2-3 hours
Firsts: smiled at 4 weeks (but they are VERY hard to come by); bottle at 2 weeks
Likes: being held, pacifier, walks in the stroller
Dislikes: laying on back, diaper changes, the carseat

Livvie Lou, we love you!

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