Tuesday, September 29, 2015

A Trash Party {Jack's 3rd Birthday}

Jack turned 3 on September 19th, and since he loves all things trash, it was a  no-brainer that we would have a garbage truck/trash themed party. He not only loves garbage trucks, but also trash cans and actual trash. The highlight of his week is pulling out the trash cans with his dad, then pulling them back in. He insists on doing our neighbors cans as well. And if you dare try to dump the trash into the bin without him, he will throw a full tantrum...

So, that's the backgound info for his party theme. Here are some pictures/highlights from the party:

We had the party at my parent's house, since they have a nice outdoor space. I pulled their trash cans out from for the welcome.
I kept the decor simple, just focusing on the dessert/treats table. I lined the table with newspapers instead of a table cloth and used pin tins and foil pans instead of platters and trays.
For treats I had chocolate cookie dough cupcakes and sugar cookie puffs.

For favors, I ordered garbage truck cookies from our local bakery.
I also found these cute little trash cans on etsy, which I filled with mini m&m's and tied with a note that said "Thank You, I had loads of fun"
I also got mini robot claws for the kids, which were the closest thing I could find to trash pickers.
We kept the food simple since it was a 3-5pm party and just had veggies/humus, watermelon, and chips & guac.

And, lastly I love these pictures of Jack while everyone was singing him "Happy Birthday" (Maybe one day I'll remember to face the birthday candle towards the camera...)
Happy 3rd Birthday, Jack! 

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