Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Cousin Lovin'

Living close to family is such a blessing.
We are pretty spoiled in that we all live about 5 minutes away from each other.

I love that we can all get together for every holiday, including the little ones like Mother's/Father's Day, 4th of July, and birthdays.
I love that my parents can be a part of their grand-kids lives and that my mom can watch Jack while I work.
I love that I can watch my nieces and nephews grow-up.
Specifically, though, I love that my sisters and my kids will know each other well.
We were never really close to our cousins growing up, as most of them lived a few hours away.
We always had fun when we got together a few times a year, but there is nothing like being a part of each others daily lives.
Jason grew up side by side with one of his cousins, and they are such close friends to this day.
I want that for my kids, too.
I'm so excited for Jack (and his future siblings) to grow up with his (their)  cousins.
I love that they currently see each other at least three times a week while my mom watches all of them when my sister and I are at work.
My nieces love Jack so much, and it is adorable to watch them interact with him.
Even though they see him all the time, they still get so excited to play with him.
I snapped these pictures of Kate and Jack playing the other day.
Seriously, so cute.
She was tickling him and calling him "Jack-y" as she always does.

Claire loves, loves, loves Jack.
I dropped off Jack about an hour later than usual yesterday, and when I walked in she came running up saying, "What took you so long! I've been waiting for Jack."
And the brother cousins are starting to figure out who each other are.
I pray that they remain close friends as they grow older.
Not everyone gets a cousin who is six weeks apart.

So thankful to capture these pictures on just a normal day.

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