Monday, May 13, 2013

A 'First' Mother's Day

All day, I kept getting, "It's your first Mother's Day."
And while it was according to the holiday, I kept thinking about how it's my 235th day as a mother.
While it was a wonderful day of feeling loved and appreciated (and loving on my own momma and mother-in-law), it is even more wonderful being a mother every day.
I feel so blessed to have the privilidge of raising Jack.
Ever since I was a little girl, all I wanted was to be a mother.
I feel like I'm doing exactly what I was meant to do.
And, I love it.
Yes, there are days that are difficult and challenging, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Here are some pitures of our Mother's Day Weekend.
On Satruday, we headed to the beach for some family time since we would be with our own mother's on Sunday. (These pics were super bright, so I put a filter on them to try and tone them down).
Jack was very intrigued with the sand, but wasn't so sure exactly how he felt about it.

I woke up to these on Sunday.
My favorite.

After church,we headed to Jason's parents for a Mother's Day brunch with his family.
His grandparents came down for the Sacramento area, so it was great to celebrate with them as well.

My sister hosted our family and her husband's family that evening for a bbq.
My mom and Jack.
The kids went swimming since we had such warm weather this weekend.
Jack enjoyed watching them.
Until he got splashed...

Great weekend.
Feeling so blessed to have so much family close by to celebrate with.

Hope all you mommas had a great day of feeling cherished for all you do and that you cherish all the days you have with your kiddos.

1 comment:

  1. I am new to your blog from your sisters blog. I have enjoyed reading through some of your past posts and look forward to visiting again. Your family sounds a bit like my family...may parents, sister and I live 5 minutes from one anther and our kids are all around the same fun!

    It looks like you had a wonderful first Mother's Day with your sweet son. :)
