Sunday, May 19, 2013

Jack: 8 Months Old

It's been a little bit of a rough month for Jack.
Just hasn't been his 'happy' self as much.
At least when he's around me, he hasn't been.
Baby boy has become a momma's boy this past month.
So clingy.
He's playing, and then all of the sudden, he's crawling over to sit in my lap or be held.
I try and do something, he pulls himself up on my legs and stands there crying.
While I love how much my boy loves would be nice to get a little break.
If I hide, he seems fine.
And with my mom and Moo (who watches him twice a week), he has been great.
But, I'm attributing this grumpy behavior to his two top teeth that have just about fully broke through. 
I started noticing them right before he turned 8 months old, which explains why he's been a little more difficult lately.

And, it also probably explains why he had a rough patch of sleeping this past month.
He's still going down around 6 or 6:30 and sleeping until 6 or 6:30 (that wake up time is no later than 6:30am anymore...and sometimes as early as 5:30).
But, some nights Jack's been waking up a few hours after he goes down (around 9 or 10) and then sometimes he will wake up around 2:30 or so...and then maybe again around 4:30 before he gets up for good around 6 or 6:30.
 As of 7.5 months, Jack has abandoned the army crawl and is in full crawling mode.
He's into everything, especially cords, the dishwasher, and anything in the bathroom (ugh).

He's also a pro at pulling himself to a stand, which he started doing before he turned 7 months.
But, he is much more stable now and will take steps if he's holding onto something.
 This toy has perfected Jack's standing.
He loves it!
I busted it out a little before 7 months, and it keeps him entertained for so long.
Best $35 I've spent in a while.
 Here are Jack's Facts at 8 Months:
Sleeping: 11-12 hours at night (waking some nights every 3-4 hours; others after about 9-10 hours)
Eating: 2 meals a day (brunch and dinner); Nursing every 3-4 hours
Diaper: Size 3
Clothing: 6 and 9 Month
Firsts: full crawl; two top front teeth, eating puffs (loves!)
Likes: crawling, exploring (cords!), music table, bath time, puffs, mama
Dislikes: getting dressed, having nails trimmed

And some comparisons at 2, 5, and 8 months:

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