Friday, January 1, 2010

30 Things Before 30

About two months ago I was inspired to create a list of 30 things I wanted to do before I turned 30. It all came about one Saturday afternoon while my friend Jess and I were having lunch. (May I also note how much I love the fact that she is the one who inspired my list - so appropriate!) She was telling me about a conversation she had recently had with our friend Joe. Jess' 29th birthday was approaching, and Joe had mentioned to her how she should make a "30 Things Before 30" list. As Jess was telling me this, all I could think about was how I wanted to create such a list. I instantly became consumed with the idea. For the rest of that day, I couldn't stop brainstorming ideas for my list.

There are many reasons why I think I became so excited about this potential 'project.' First, I've found myself stuck somewhat in a routine over the last year. Now that I'm in my third year of teaching, things have 'settled' down for me somewhat over the past year as I've adjusted to my new career. I love how things are more stable for me now (and I'm sure those that have journeyed with me the last three years are even more thankful for this - love you all), and so I'm finding myself craving more adventure to 'mix' things up in my life. Secondly, I think it's easy to put boundaries around our life and to imagine that our life might look a certain way at a certain age or point in time. I know that for myself, I had certain expectations about what my life might look like when I was 30. True, I still have four more years until I turn 30 and a lot can happen in four years, but I don't want to live life holding onto an expectation. I've learned to let go of what I've imagined my life might look like and start embracing other possibilities. So, why not start that process?! Thirdly, I love doing fun things AND checking things off lists! With four years to go until I turn 30 (I don't turn 30 until February 7, 2014), I have a serious chance at checking 30 things off my 'wish list' of things to do!

With that, I've spent the last two months brainstorming, researching, talking with friends, and creating my list of '30 Things to do Before 30.' This list has gone through many drafts and revisions, but I think I am fairly confident that this is the final product. Since it is my list, I have given myself permission to edit this list over the next four years - I might discover something else I really want to do, or I might lose interest in something that is already on the list. Nonetheless, over the next four years, I am adamant on doing 30 things that I have never done before!

So, without further-ado, I present to you my '30 Things Before 30' list: (Yes, it is categorized - would you expect anything less from me?)

1. Austin (completed June 4-6, 2010)
2. Boston
3. Thanksgiving in New York
4. Greece
5. Africa
6. Cruise (completed January 2010)

California Tourism
7. Alcatraz
8. Wine tasting in Wine Country (completed January 9, 2010)
9. Monterey Bay Aquarium (completed April 7, 2010)
10. Hearst Castle (completed August 8, 2010)
11. Lighthouses of California (from San Francisco to Santa Barbara)

12. Skydive
13. Hike Half Dome (completed June 17, 2010)
14. Run a half marathon (completed October 3, 2010)
15. Triathlon
16. White Water Raft
17. Hot Air Balloon
18. Ski in another state

19. Read 5 Classics
20. Read The Chronicles of Narnia
21. Listen to all of Mark Driscoll's archived podcasts
22. Memorize a chapter of the Bible
23. Take a Bible class

24. Sharks Game (completed November 20, 2010)
25. 5 concerts of my favorite bands
26. Live orchestra/symphony
27. Circus

Personal Development
28. Cooking/Baking Class
29. Learn to sew
30. Start a blog (completed January 1, 2010)

With the publishing of this post, I have now officially marked the first item off my list: Start a blog. I actually set up this blog in October of 2008, but never found a good enough reason to actually write a post - I mean, my life isn't *that* interesting. However, I am excited to use this blog to share my stories as I check things off my list, plus as a means of sharing other random or exciting happenings in my life. Hope you enjoy the adventure...


mel @ the larson lingo said...

yay! So happy you started your blog! And, can't wait to help you experience some of your 30 things before 30. Maybe I should start a 35 things before 35 list!

Christy Tyler said...

Hmm... I think a GRMS staff trip to wine country may be necessary to help you complete one of your 30!

Awesome blog!

jessica said...
