Monday, April 2, 2012


Well, I have disappeared once again since the New Year (just like I did last year between January and April). Last year I was busy in wedding planning mode. This year, I have been busy, too...just with some different things.

One year ago today, Jason and I celebrated our wedding day.
Still can't believe it has already been a year. It has definitely flown by! We are so thankful that our first year of marriage didn't live up to everyone's sayings of being 'very difficult.' We both adjusted very well to marriage, and while it has not been perfect and has had its challenges, we feel so blessed by this past year together and seeing our love for one another grow.

So, what have we been so busy with? Well, at the end of January, our offer was accepted on our first place! We are currently in renovation mode (making more trips to Home Depot than I would ever want to in a lifetime), and are hoping to move in this weekend! (Pictures to come soon). Meanwhile, we are bunking up with my parents, which has been such a blessing.

We have also been busy celebrating this...

Well, maybe it's just that I have felt too sick these last two months to actually feel motivated to blog. Nonetheless, we have been celebrating that we will be parents in six months, which we are thrilled about.

Also thrilled to be celebrating this...
Yes, my sister and I are less than 7 weeks apart! Could not have planned that if we tried. Never did I think that her and I would have kids the same age. So fun! She is calling them "cousin-siblings" since they will pretty much grow up side by side. We are so glad to go through this process with each other. We're convinced that it will be the hottest summer in years because we are pregnant. We are already making plans for our summer days floating in her pool.

So looking forward to celebrating this next year to come! So much to be excited for. We are blessed. Praise to our Great God!

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