Monday, November 19, 2012

Jack: 2 Months Old

Our Jack Jack turned 2 months old this week!
Can't believe how quickly it is going...
And how fast he is growing.
Today he had his 2 month check-up.
I've been dying to know his weight, so I was looking forward to the appointment.
But, poor guy got his shots, so he wasn't too happy.
It's been fun to see Jack's progression over the past month.
He has so much more personality!
He smiles much more frequently and a lot easier.
He focuses in on us when we talk to him and is trying so hard to talk back.
Here are Jack's Facts at 2 months:
Weight: 13 lb 4 oz (75th percentile)
Length: 24 in (75th percentile)
Head Circumference: 16 in (50th percentile)
Clothing Size: 0-3 month
Diaper Size: One (grew out of newborn at 5 weeks)
Eating: Every 3 hours
Sleeping: 3-4 hour stretches
Firsts: Bottle at 6 weeks
Likes: Tummy Time (loves being on his stomach)
Dislikes: Still screams at bath time

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